Monday, November 27, 2017

Top CheckPoint CLI commands

This post is a summary of some of the most important Checkpoint commands taken by Checkpoint Community (CheckMates)

fw ctl zdebug drop used to quickly see all dropped connections and more importantly the reason (e.g. anti-spoofing, IPS , FW rule , ....). USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION 
cpstat fw quickly see stats of number of connections (accepted,denied,logged) with a breakdown
if the FW was under a high load i would usually run " watch --interval=1 'cpstat fw' " (would see a real-time to see the interface that is causing this)
fw tab -s -t connections

allowed me to quickly see how much load is (and was i.e "peak" ) on the FW
cphaprob stat used to see state of cluster
fwaccel stats -s to check acceleration status on FW
cphaprob -a if

used to do troubleshooting cluster, verify all interfaces are UP and the Virtual IP address for the cluster interfaces

cpwd_admin list great way to explain the CP watchdog- run the command with watch -d, and from another terminal terminate one of the PID, and observe how the watchdog bring it back.
and its also a great way to see that everything is up
cpview -t used often review mem, core usage at any snapshot in time. When getting a checkup device back or reviewing a DAT file
fw stat Shows what policy is loaded on the current gateway and what interfaces it has seen traffic on
fw fetch mastername Fetches the policy from the management station named mastername. You can also use localhost as a way to reload the previously installed policy on the gateway
push_cert –s Cust_CMA –u admin –p adminpw –o examplegw –k test123 It is used on the management to establish SIC with a newly installed security gateway without using SmartConsole or SmartDashboard, making it extremely useful in automation scenarios.
–s Cust_CMA Management or CMA IP/hostname (can be localhost)
–u admin Username of admin user in SmartConsole/SmartDashboard
–p adminpw Password of admin user specified above
–o examplegw Name (in SmartConsole/SmartDashboard) of gateway to establish SIC with
–k test123 SIC one-time-password (should match what was specified on the gateway during first-time wizard)
fw monitor To do a live packet capture
fw ctl affinity -l -v -r is a useful command when you're attempting to finetune the affinity of an IRQ to an interface. This is especially useful when looking at the amount of traffic received by an interface that deserves more "horsepower" and should not be sharing CPU time with other interfaces. This command will list what interface is connected to what IRQ to what core.
"fw ctl affinity -s" will subsequently allow you to set the values.
netstat -ni check drop on interfaces
cpstat mg Shows connected clients and status.
cpstat ha -f all Shows sync details
cpstat blades Shows packets accepted, dropped, peak connections, and top rule hits
cprid_util (--help)

This command allowed me to execute commands, transfer files etc with a remote gateway without needing credentials. I was able to use it to copy a new shadow file to the remote gateway when password was lost/corrupted.
fw tab -u -t connections | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10 This will show the top ten source IPs hogging slots in the connection table in descending order, however you will need to manually convert the IP addresses displayed from hex to decimal like so: 0a1e0b53 = For the top 10 destinations, substitute $4 for $2 in the awk command above.
fw getifs shows interfaces, IP addresses and subnet masks in quick easy format. I do this almost everytime I login to quickly orient myself.
fw ctl multik stat shows multi-kernel connections and peak connections
./CentralDeploymentTool -generate Candidates_List.csv The Central Deployment Tool (CDT) is a utility that runs on an R77 / R77.X / R80 / R80.10 Security Management Server / Multi-Domain Security Management Server (running Gaia OS).
It allows the administrator to automatically install CPUSE Offline packages (Hotfixes, Jumbo Hotfix Accumulators (Bundles), Upgrade to a Minor Version, Upgrade to a Major Version) on multiple managed Security Gateways and Cluster Members at the same time.
./vsx_provisioning_tool -s localhost -u user -p pwd -o add vd name VSW1 vsx VSX1 type vsw The VSX Provisioning Tool allows the VSX administrator to add and remove Virtual Devices (VS, VR, VSW), interfaces and routes from the command line of a Security Management Server / Multi-Domain Security Management Server. This allows the automation of the required VSX Provisioning operations in the environment.
cpwd_admin start -name <application name> -path <executable path> -command <command line>

cpwd_admin stop -name <application name> [-path <executable path> -command <command line>
Great to get reset processes without cpstop/cpstart/reboot.
cpstat threat-emulation -f file_type_stat_file_scanned If you use threat emulation and want to see a breakdown of files scanned by file type (helpful in tuning your TE policy) you can use this command
clusterXL_admin up/down to force the cluster node into a particular state (good for forcing failover in a healthy cluster so I can do work on a node)
vpn tu to see IKE/IPSEC security associations, and remove expired ones from gateways that burped
enabled_blades to list the blades that are enabled for the gateway by the management server (run in expert mode)
installed_jumbo_take to see what JHFA you have installed (does not work on the base R77.30 install, you have to have a JHFA installed and run in expert mode).
cphaconf cluster_id get Useful to see what the cluster magic id is if you have an id that's different from the default.
ips stat See if IPS is enabled, and what profile its running. When troubleshooting connectivity issues, ips on/off is useful too.
ethtool -p <interface_name> To flash/blink a LED on an interface in order to physically identify the interface in question on a machine.
*Note this does not work on all type of interface cards.
dbget -rv routed Check routes (even if they are not active)
cprid_util -server x.x.x.x -verbose rexec -rcmd "command" command to remotely execute command on a gateway
sed -I s/"text"/"newtext"/ Find and replace when 'vi-ing' a file.
watch -n 0.5 -d cpstat fw can use cpstat fw or any other, but the '-d' flag allows fothe autorefresh to highlight the changes. perfect for spotting increments in hit counters, of use with 'df-h' to spot a hardrive filling up during upgrade processes
du -sk * | sort -n got a full hardrive? no idea where the large files are? here you go
fw tab -t fwx_alloc -x not had to use this for a few years now, but having the gateway suddenly dropping connections due to a full NAT table isnt fun. this isnt the cleanest way to clear the table, but possibly the best knee-jerk fix to get an instant relief on the traffic flow.
fw sam -v -s -f ClusterName -t 7200 -J src the SAM rule. nothing cooler than an instant block of a malicious IP
echo 1 > /proc/cpkstats/fw_worker_0_stats Activate fw worker stats (per instance!)
cat /proc/cpkstats/fw_worker_0_stats Read fw worker stats
fw unloadlocal clear local policy

cpprod_util FwIsActiveManagement To find out the current status of the active SMS (HA). 1= Active 0= Standby

On the SG
cp_conf sic state shows trust state of SIC
All CP Products

cpstat os -f ifconfig really nice summary of interface stats
fw ctl multik stat This will tell you how hard your procs are getting hit with connections

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