Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Checkpoint smartcenter - manage size of $FWDIR/log/postgres.elg

In the last few months I have started migrating to R80.10 software and I found an interesting issue with the postgres sql database on smartcenter
No rotation of log file has been added to /etc/cpshell/log_rotation.conf so file , over time, can grow to any size until it fills up all disk space

Simple work around until Checkpoint fixes it

  • edit /etc/cpshell/log_rotation.conf file adding this line 
  • log_start list to verify that your change is visible 
  • cpstop && cpstart on management 
If $FWDIR/log/postgres.elg file is way too BIG I did this fix:

after cpstop you issue cat /dev/null > $FWDIR/log/postgres.elg and file is zeroed